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Year 6 End of SATs camping

After SATs, some of our Year 6 pupils camped overnight on the school field.  

Sports Day

Well done to all the pupils who took part in sports day. All children had a great time and enjoyed taking part in multiple events. 

House Trips

The Year 6 children have had a busy half-term learning a lot of new things as well as going on their House trips which they really enjoyed.


Drayton Manor Theme Park

As a celebration of all their hard work, children in Year 6 visited Drayton Manor theme park for the day. Pupils had a fantastic day.  


After Year 6 SATs, some of our pupils camped out in the school field. A great time was had by all and luckily, the weather stayed dry. 


Year 6 had a brilliant day at Whipsnade Zoo. They learnt all about adaptation and natural selection.

Year 6 spring

Year 6 Cultural Day- February 2023

Year 6 celebrated their heritage at school by coming to school in their own cultural dress or colours. The children were also able to bring an item that represented their heritage. 

Science and DT- Electricity

Year 6 House trip to Wembley

Year 6 investigating light – ‘We are Crime Lab Specialists.’Here the children are proving that light travels in a straight line as well as observing which materials are the most reflective using a periscope which they made.

Auty 2

End of May 2022

After a tricky week of SATs, most of the children ended it on an incredible experience with thier friends - camping on the field. They had a brilliant time setting up their tent, learning how to make a fire as well as just relaxing in thier tents and catching up with friends. 

Year 6 campingcooltext412887387444461(6)

For the Year 6 performance at the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, the pupils who sang at the young voices concert performed for the school. We also had our own future football stars and rappers sharing their skills. To end the performance, one of the Year 6 children played God Save the Queen on the keyboard. 

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