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Information about the Curriculum

Curriculum information for individual year groups can be found in the Year group pages. 

Copies of all our school policies, curriculum schemes of work and any Ofsted report are available for parents to read. Please contact the Headteacher if you would like to see any of this information. Key policies are also available on our school website.

In Our School - school Policies

Teaching & Learning

The school is organised on a class basis and children of statutory school age spend a complete academic year with the same class teacher. Children are of mixed ability and in Year group ages.

Each teacher has responsibility for the learning and welfare of the children in their class. A variety of teaching strategies are used to enable the children to learn effectively. These include whole class, group and individual teaching. The National Curriculum is designed to stimulate your child’s desire to learn by

introducing him or her to a broad range of educational experiences. The following is a summary of the curriculum content.

Foundation Stage Curriculum

We provide an appropriate and challenging curriculum for the under fives which is a sound foundation for future learning and links into Key Stage 1 of the National Curriculum. Our curriculum is based upon the following key areas:

Personal and Social Development

Children learn how to work, play and co-operate with each other. They are encouraged to develop personal values and a respect for the feelings and beliefs of others.

Language and Literacy

In this area children learn to communicate through books, stories, rhymes, role-play, conversation and discussion as well as through the exploration of early writing skills. 


This is, for the most part, based on practical activities, which encourage the use and understanding of mathematical language and concepts such as number, size, time patterning and quantity. Mathematical understanding is developed through stories, songs, games and imaginative play, so that children enjoy using and experimenting with numbers.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

In this area of learning, children are developing the skills, knowledge and understanding that help them to make sense of the world. This forms the foundation for later work in science, history, geography, design technology and information and communication technology.

Physical Development

Children are helped to develop physical control of their bodies and awareness of space through PE activities, dance and play. They are given activities to encourage hand/eye co-ordination and develop pencil control.

Creative Development

This curriculum area develops the children’s imagination and their ability to communicate and express their ideas and feelings through art, music, dance, stories  and imaginative play.

National Curriculum for Years 1 to 6



We consider that teaching children to read is a priority. We aim that all children will learn to read fluently, with understanding and enjoyment. There are frequent daily opportunities to read. All children are taught reading skills through our Literacy lessons and in planned opportunities throughout the curriculum.

Books are sent home for children to practice their skills. We ask that parents spend ten minutes daily with their child so that they can develop their skills as readers. 


We aim to develop in our children the ability to communicate their ideas fluently and accurately.

Children are encouraged to write independently as soon as they are ready using words, phrases and sentences. As they move through the school they are taught to become competent in handwriting, spelling, punctuation and grammar. Children will be taught to write for a range of purposes.

Speaking & Listening

Communication is essential in the overall development of children’s abilities. We encourage the children to listen to stories, rhymes and poetry and to develop their skills to follow instructions and acquire information.

We encourage children to listen to and respond appropriately to others. We encourage children to increase their vocabulary and to speak fluently in a variety of situations so that they develop the confidence to express themselves to an audience.


We aim to make Mathematics an enjoyable experience. Children will be helped to  develop mathematical understanding through practical activities, which are relevant to the use of mathematics in everyday life. By encouraging confidence and a true understanding of numbers we wish to develop mental arithmetic skills with a quick recall of basic number facts which will lead to the recording of results. Your child will experience a range of mathematical equipment for sorting, classifying, making comparisons and searching for patterns in number, shape, space and data handling. Computers are used throughout the school to support mathematical learning.


Our Science programme gives children the experience of observing, exploring and recording. Children are encouraged to ask questions and investigate in order to acquire scientific knowledge, understanding and skills. Your child will learn about living things, different materials, how things move, light and sound and physical processes such as electricity and magnetism.


Computing is used to support the curriculum throughout the school - writing, drawing, making graphs, finding information etc. Your child will be taught computer skills, e.g., knowledge of keyboard, printing, saving and retrieving  documents. The school has 1 purpose built I.C.T. suites which all children use and a set of Chrome books and iPads in each year group. 

As a school we follow the Switched on Computing 3rd edition from Rising stars scheme of work. Pupils are given the opportunity to interact with computers, tablets, micro:bits, robots, cameras and green screens. 

We aim to protect children from unsuitable material and support them in understanding how to keep safe when using ICT. Details can be found in our ‘E safety policy.


Children are given opportunities to develop awareness of the past and of the ways in which the past differs from the present. They are encouraged to become aware of past events and the lives of famous people, which have had a bearing on present day life.


We aim to develop your child’s knowledge of their own environment and of the wider world based upon direct experiences, practical activities and fieldwork in the locality of the school.

Art, Craft 

Children are introduced to art in a variety of styles. They are encouraged to develop their creativity and aesthetic awareness. They are given experience of using a variety of media and are encouraged to select the means of expressing their ideas. Children work individually to develop their skills and also have the opportunity to co-operate with others on larger projects.




Young children entering school enjoy physical activity. On entering the children have access to outdoor play equipment encouraging risk taking, meeting a challenge, as well as physical, imaginative development. The school aims to provide opportunities for physical activity through the various areas of the PE curriculum. 

Gymnastics – working on the floor and apparatus the children develop control and co-ordination to travel, balance, climb, swing etc.

Games – small apparatus including balls\hoops\bean bags\ropes\mastering skills of control, co-ordination and teamwork. Children are introduced to team games such as football/netball. There are also opportunities for KS2 children to attend away fixtures and parents are asked to contribute to the transport costs

Dance – various music and percussion is used to stimulate creative dance\emotions and explore dance traditions.

Outdoor and Adventure – Opportunities are provided in KS2 to develop skills in this area.

On entering the 4+ Unit, the children have access to outdoor play equipment encouraging risk taking, meeting a challenge, as well as physical, imaginative development.


We aim to encourage a love for Music through listening, composing and performing. Children are taught to sing and clap rhythmically and to play percussion instruments. We have a specialist music teacher in school and there are opportunities for children to also learn to play the guitar or keyboard. In addition, from Year 3 children learn to read music through playing the recorder.

Religious Education

The Luton agreed syllabus of Religious Education is followed and the school has no affiliation with any particular denomination. Our Religious Education programme encourages children to become sensitive to other people and to take an interest in and reflect upon the world about us. Religious festivals and celebrations, stories from sacred books and school assemblies all contribute towards spiritual awareness and moral values and their  ability to co-operate with others with tolerance and goodwill. Parents can withdraw their child from all or part of the religious education and collective worship provided. Please contact the Headteacher for more details.

Personal, Social & Health Education

Children learn about themselves as developing individuals and as members of their communities. They learn the basic rules and skills for keeping themselves healthy and safe and for behaving well. They have opportunities to show they can take some responsibility for themselves and their environment. They begin to learn about their own and other people’s feelings and become aware of the views, needs and rights of the other children and older people. As members of a class and school community, they learn social skills such as how to share, take turns, play, help others, resolve simple arguments and resist bullying. They begin to take an active part in the life of their school and its neighbourhood. A range of extra curricular and lunch time activities are offered. Activities can vary on a term to term basis.   parents are notified of opportunities for their children to participate through regular newsletters.

Sex Education

The Governing Body has decided that sex education will be taught in Beechwood Primary School. The school’s Sex Education Policy is in line with the LEA’s guidelines. Parents are invited to view any materials to be used with the children and have the right to opt out of Sex Education (except where it is part of the Science National Curriculum). In Y6, during the summer term, the children will follow the six programmes in the Living and Growing series. There will be an opportunity for parents to view the materials before they are shown to the children. As part of this programme, there will be visits from outside speakers on personal hygiene.


Teachers are continually assessing what each child has learned so that they can plan appropriate teaching and work. Some of these assessments are recorded so that we can monitor each child’s progress. When children start school they take part in a “Baseline Assessment” and these results are discussed with you. Towards the end of Year 2 and Year 6 children participate in Statutory Assessments Tasks (SATS). The results are reported to you.

Special Educational Needs

All children learn at different rates and in different ways. Regular assessment of children’s progress helps us to modify programmes of work to suit the needs of individual children. We provide for most children within the general class organisation. Sometimes children are supported in small groups by a Learning Support Assistant who delivers work planned by the class teacher. If your child is having any difficulties teachers will want to meet with you regularly to discuss progress. From time to time it may be necessary, with parental consent, for us to seek the advice of professionals outside the school.  Arrangements for children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs are discussed and agreed with parents, the school and other professionals. A programme of support is then drawn up. We review this programme, together with parents, at regular intervals.

Disability and Access Provision

We actively seek to improve our disability and access provision. We have disabled toilets, and any improvements made to our building take into account recommended guidelines, and the views of interested parties. The needs of individual children are accommodated as far as possible to ensure that they have good curriculum access.

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