Information about the School and School Day
All classes are of mixed ability and are arranged chronologically.
Age Group Number of Pupils
Foundation Stage 172 (some of these children have part-time place)
Y1 (5+ years) 120 In four teaching classes
Y2 (6+ years) 120 In four teaching classes
Y3 (7+ years) 120 In four teaching classes
Y4 (8+ years) 120 In four teaching classes
Y5 (9+ years) 120 In four teaching classes
Y6 (10+ years) 120 In four teaching classes
Start of the day
The classroom doors open each day at 8:45am. All pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 must be brought to school by an adult.
End of the Day
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils should be collected at 3:15pm each day.
Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils should be collected at 3.20pm each day.
Please collect your child promptly at the end of the session from the classroom and let us know if someone else will be meeting your child.
Children in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 must be collected by an adult.
Children will not be handed over to any person under 16 years of age.
Compulsory times
Registration for all years groups starts at 8.55am. Pupils must be in school by the 8.55am bell.
Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 finish at 3.15pm. This gives a total time of 32 hours and 30 minutes.
Pupils in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 finish at 3.20pm. This gives a total time of 32 hours and 55 minutes.
Children attending school full-time may opt for one of the following lunchtime arrangements:
- A school meal everyday.
- A packed lunch everyday.
- Go home for their meal
Once your child has chosen an option, we would encourage them not to change this option unless it is an emergency.
All children in the Reception and Key Stage 1 are provided with a FREE school lunch.
Foundation Stage: 11.30am - 12.30pm
Year 1: 11.45 - 12.45pm
Year 2: 12.00- 1.00pm
Year 3: 11.30- 12.30pm
Year 4: 11.30- 12.30pm
Year 5: 12-1pm
Year 6: 12.30-1.30pm
School Dinners
The School Meals service provides a two course meal which is cooked on the premises. Children are offered a choice of main course, vegetables and pudding and are encouraged and guided to choose a balanced meal. Children are encouraged to try new things but are never forced to eat anything they really dislike. School meals should be paid for weekly, half-termly or termly in advance by the electronic service, which can be paid on line. Please contact the school kitchen if you require login details. Pupils book their meal in advance and parents should try to chose their child's meal before the start of the day.
Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are all entitled to universal free school meals and do not need to pay for lunches.
Parents who receive a qualifying benefit can apply for Free School Meals for each child who is of statutory school age and is attending school both before and after the lunch time period.
Qualifying Benefits are:
- Income Support
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (not Contribution Based)
- Pension Credit
- Registered Asylum Seekers
- Child Tax Credits
If you are receiving Working Tax Credit you are NOT entitled. For further information please call the Education Welfare Service on 01582 548174 or the school office.
Packed Lunches
Packed lunches should be brought in a container clearly named. We do recommend that children bring their lunches in a ‘cool bag’ type box in which an ice pack can be placed so that food is not spoiled and ants not attracted.
Children having a school dinner or a packed lunch may bring a carton of juice or squash with a straw (no fizzy drinks or flasks) in a named bag. We are unable to provide cups for drinks brought from home, however water is available for all children at lunchtime.
Children are supervised in classrooms from 8.45am (please do not send to school before this time).The school day begins at 8:55a.m. It is important that children develop good timekeeping habits from an early age. Children are disadvantaged if they have missed early morning instructions in the classroom and their arrival can be disruptive to teaching and learning. As parents we all have a responsibility to ensure children are punctual.
By law we are required to record lateness in the register and report this to the Education Welfare Officer who regularly inspects the registers. Lateness that is deemed to be avoidable is recorded as an unauthorised absence.
All outside doors to the school are securely shut at 8:55am and children who arrive late have to report to the Main Office.
If your child is late for school please escort them to the main entrance where you will need to report to the office staff who will then mark them late in the register.
It is essential that we are told the reason for any absence. Government regulations state that any absence be classified as unauthorised unless we are told the reason. Absence can be authorised if you tell us your child was sick, keeping a medical appointment or absent for some other unavoidable cause. It is important that we are informed in writing – even if you have telephoned the school. We have staff at school who can translate letters in some languages other than English. Please contact school for up-to-date information.
The best place for a child who is unwell is at home. Children suffering from sickness or diarrhoea should remain at home for at least 48 hours after the last attack.
The school operates a system to support good attendance in line with LEA policy. If your child has 10 or more sessions of unauthorized absences in a 12-week period, you may be issued with a Penalty Notice. This includes situations where pupils are absent because of a term-time holiday not authorized by school. A penalty notice incurs a fine which is payable to the local authority only.
Please note that each day has two attendance sessions so 10 sessions of unauthorised absence equates to 5 school days.
Please ask for our attendance policy if you require further clarification.
This is also available on our school website.
Requests for holidays will not normally be granted.
The law does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time.
Requests will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
Absences will not be authorised during April and May for Year 2 and Year 6 when SAT’s Assessments take place.
School work is not provided on these occasions.
