Inclusion / SEND
At Beechwood Primary School, we are dedicated to inclusion and providing a meaningful education that supports and challenges all pupils.

Luton's Local Offer
Vision statement
Luton’s vision for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities is the same as for all children and young people - that they achieve well in early years, at school and at college to enable them to lead happy and fulfilled lives within a safe environment and where they have choice and control.
What is the local offer?
The Local Offer is an access point for parents/carers of children and young people aged 0-25 years with special educational needs. It gives information about education, health and social care services available in the Luton area.
What is the aim of the local offer?
To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about support and opportunities available for children and young people with special educational needs in the Luton area
To ensure that the provision of services in education, health and social care are more responsive to local needs and aspirations of children and young people by directly involving them, their parents/ carers and service providers in its development and review.
How should the local offer help?
- Provide one place to go for all information needed on education, health and social care services
- Be easy to navigate through complex information from a wide range of sources
- Help users find the information they need quickly and easily
- Provide clear, transparent, relevant and accurate information about current services in a way which can be understood and accessed by all
- Provide links to other websites (such as early years settings /schools /colleges) where further information about a service will be available

Please click on the link above to gain further information from the LA website.