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Sports Day

Well done to all the pupils who took part in sports day. All children had a great time and enjoyed taking part in multiple events. 

This half term in year 5, the pupils have been learning about forces in science.   They have been carrying out a range of investigations such as creating parachutes to look at air resistance.   During the air resistance lesson, the pupils explored different variables such as the type of material for the parachute, the surface area of the parachute and the length of the strings on the parachute.   They worked really well in teams to carry out their investigations fairly and they recorded and analysed their findings.   They really enjoyed the practical activities and demonstrated fantastic teamwork.  


In Science this half term, year 5 have been dissecting flowers to learn the different parts of a plant and they labelled using the correct scientific terminology.  The children learnt about the male and female parts of plants and how insects such as bees are integral in the pollination process.  They also learnt other ways in which plants can reproduce and as a result they took cutting from plants to grow.

Year 5 spring

English Hook

Year 5 pupils are learning the story up in English. Children made their own 'flying' houses and tested them. 


In Summer term, the children have been learning about narrative poetry in English and have produced some fabulous poems of their own.   They have been learning all about poetic devices and have worked had to try to include some of these tools within their own writing.   The children took a well-known fairy tale and used what they had learnt over the unit to transform it into a narrative poem.  We are really proud of the work the children have produced and how much improvement we can see in their handwriting and vocabulary.   

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For the Queen's Platinum Jubilee performance, some of the Year 5 pupils read out some of the amazing poems they had written in English this term. A great performance!

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