Welcome to Beechwood Primary School
School Sports Year 5 and 6 Multisports Festivals
On Tuesday 21st January, some of our Beechwood children represented the school at the School Games multisports. The children took part in a variety of activities including badminton, volleyball, archery and table tennis. There were 13 schools present. Our pupils had a fantastic time and were a wonderful example of the amazing pupils we have at Beechwood. Well done to all involved.
Year 1,2,3 and 4 Multisports Festivals
Some of our Beechwood Children have attened School sport multisports festivals within the last few weeks. All the children involved had a wonderful time and got to meet children from other schools. The games were a mixture of different sports and were run by local highschool sports leaders.
Well done to all children who took part.
Beechwood Take one Picture Art Gallery
All pupils took part in the Take One Picture project at school. The picture this year was Pieter de Hooch, 'The Courtyard of the House of Delft'. Children were very creative in using the picture as a starting point for their own art. Some of the discussion points were about the people in the painting, the place in the painting, the jobs that the people had and their own feelings about the painting.
Year 6 Leavers Performances and Prize giving
Well done to all our Year 6 pupils. They performed brilliantly in their end of year production. We wish all our Year 6 pupils the very best in their high schools next year. You will all be missed!
Awards were also presented to selected students.
House Captain Elections
In July, our Year 5 pupils work hard on election speeches. All candidates share their speeches with the school and hope to be elected. On voting day, all pupils get to cast their vote for a boy and a girl house captain for their house Wimbledon, Wembley, Twickenham or Lords.
Keech Cottage Fundraiser
Throughout the year, Beechwood Primary School have been raising money for Keech Hospice Care. As a school, we designed and painted and tortoise that can be seen in Wardown Museum in The Short Tail Trail. Our Tortoise in called Beanie. Thank you to all the families who helped raise a massive £1250 for this amazing charity.