Autumn 2
In November, Year 4 went on an amazing trip to the Natural History Museum. This was a brilliant day and the children were able to see some amazing exhibitions and displays of Natural History, but the focus of the day was to gain a better understanding of volcanoes and earthquakes. The workshop, provided by the museum, gave a fascinating insight into how earthquakes and eruptions occur and how geographers can protect them. The children had a brilliant time and displayed excellent behaviour that really reflected the values of the school.
Autumn 1
This half-term, Year 4 have been learning about Ancient Greece. They started by placing this civilisation on the historical timeline before understanding how location would have impacted the lives of these people. Following this, the children took place in heated class debates - about whether they would rather live in the city-state of Sparta or Athens.
In their most recent lessons, Year 4 used a series of historical sources to understand the significance and impact of a great Ancient Greek: Archimedes. This led to the use of Archimedes’ screws to transport water uphill. The children enjoyed this lesson (and the clean-up) enormously.