Autumn 2
This term children have been working very hard in phonics. They have done very well with learning their sounds. They now need to continue to work on their blending skills (putting sounds together to read a word.) Please work on blending with your child during the holidays.
In English, children have enjoyed bringing their imagination to life through sharing stories, drawing and writing sentences. They have also been busy learning about the composition of numbers to 5, in maths.
We finished this term with Christmas art and a wonderful performance which was greatly enjoyed by friends and families of the children. The children did an amazing job and loved performing on stage with their friends.
Autumn 1
Reception children have settled very well into school. They have been having fun and working hard. During this half term we have been learning about ourselves and our senses. They created self-portraits using transient art based on The Leaf Man story. Children also enjoyed learning about Mary Seacole as part of Black History. They used a variety of materials to design and make their own bravery medals.
We are looking forward to the rest of the year with great enthusiasm.