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Reception Sports Day 2024

Well done to all the children for taking part in Reception's sports day. They all had a wonderful time and took part in a wide range of activities. 

The children have settled well into school life and we have had a very busy but enjoyable first half term. They have been playing indoors and outdoors making new friends. We have also had fun doing lots of learning. In English we have been looking at different rhymes including: Five Little Ducks and Old Macdonald had a Farm. In maths the children learnt about repeating patterns and completed some of their own. A great start to school ! We are all looking forward to the rest of the year now.


Reception Zoo Trip

Our Reception children have been learning about animals around the world and the different places in the world that they live. Children had a wonderful visit to Whipsnade zoo to see the animals up close. A great day was had by all. 

We have had a great half term, we have worked very hard but had lots of fun too.In maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and in English we went on a Magic Train Journey! Ask your child what they saw out of the train’s window.

We talked about Ramadan.  We made sparkling moons to represent the month of Ramadan. We also made Sadaqa Boxes (charity boxes) to help the children understand why it is important to give to others.

Reception Spring

The children have settled into Reception very well. We have had lots of fun playing inside and out and making new friends. We have been working hard too. We have been completing phonics, English and maths lessons every day.

Our topic has been “Ourselves.” We have been thinking about our families, similarities and differences between people, our senses and what we can do with our bodies.

We enjoyed changing the words for the song, “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.” We then sang and danced to our own new version. We were very good at it and it was great fun!

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