On this page, you will find all school letters relating to cornavirus and links to national and local information.
Please check the websites regularly for updates.
Thank you to Beechhill Primary School who have provided voice overs of Covid Guidance in a variety of languages. Please follow the links below to find out more.
Polish: https://youtu.be/QowuK74jl6c
English: https://youtu.be/nskU05OPiDI
Bengali: https://youtu.be/6FXOPBHWkvk
Arabic: https://youtu.be/hOik5wOtYVI
Urdu: https://youtu.be/TrK1QnEhheI
Looking after yourself, looking after your children
There is a lot of uncertainty around the current COVID-19 outbreak, particularly given that
the situation is constantly developing and the information about the virus remains
Understandably, this is causing a lot of worry and anxiety for people. Having children and
young people at home, often when people are trying to work themselves, adds another
layer of stress. It is therefore important to not only consider our physical health during such
challenging times, but also to pay attention to our mental health. It is normal to feel
worried, stressed and anxious when we are faced with uncertain situations, but the sooner
we acknowledge and learn to take care of our mental health, the healthier and better
equipped we’ll be to cope with the situation we're having to face.
Work for when children are off school
All children have been provided with a Google login and a Google classroom code. If children sign on to Google classroom, they will find work that their teacher has uploaded for them there. Their login can be found inside their reading log.