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Welcome to Beechwood Primary School

Year 1,2,3 and 4 Multisports Festivals

Some of our Beechwood Children have attened School sport multisports festivals within the last few weeks. All the children involved had a wonderful time and got to meet children from other schools. The games were a mixture of different sports and were run by local highschool sports leaders. 

Well done to all children who took part. 

Beechwood Take one Picture Art Gallery


All pupils took part in the Take One Picture project at school. The picture this year was Pieter de Hooch, 'The Courtyard of the House of Delft'. Children were very creative in using the picture as a starting point for their own art. Some of the discussion points were about the people in the painting, the place in the painting, the jobs that the people had and their own feelings about the painting.  

Year 6 Leavers Performances and Prize giving

Well done to all our Year 6 pupils. They performed brilliantly in their end of year production. We wish all our Year 6 pupils the very best in their high schools next year. You will all be missed!

Awards were also presented to selected students. 

House Captain Elections

In July, our Year 5 pupils work hard on election speeches. All candidates share their speeches with the school and hope to be elected. On voting day, all pupils get to cast their vote for a boy and a girl house captain for their house Wimbledon, Wembley, Twickenham or Lords. 

Keech Cottage Fundraiser

Throughout the year, Beechwood Primary School have been raising money for Keech Hospice Care. As a school, we designed and painted and tortoise that can be seen in Wardown Museum in The Short Tail Trail. Our Tortoise in called Beanie. Thank you to all the families who helped raise a massive £1250 for this amazing charity. 

The Short Tail Trail


Summer Fair

Thank you to all the families that came to support the school's summer fair on Tuesday 25th June. It was a wonderful afternoon event with lots of fun games and food. We hope that everyone had a great time. 

Beechwood Colour Run

Some pupils at Beechwood Primary School took part in a colour run on the school field to raise money for Luton food bank. They had a wonderful time and raised over £170 for Luton Food Bank. Well done to everyone involved. 

Sports Days

All year groups took part in their sports days in June. Please take a look at all of the year group pages to see photos of the events. Well done to all the children who won a bronze, silver or gold medal for sprint, hurdles and long distance running. 

Head teacher for a day

As part of our fund raising effort for Keech Hospice Care, we ran a raffle for children to be picked to be head, deputy or assistant headteacher for the day. 

The winners of the competition were:

Headteacher - Miss A Khan

Deputy Headteacher- Mr S Otu Wudaah

Assistant Headteacher- Mr N Shah

Assistant Headteacher- Miss M Fatima

These children formed a mini leaders team that led the school on Friday 24th May 2024.

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Starting the Day Early

We had to come to school before any of the children and even before some teachers. 

To start the day, we worked in the office answering phones, opening the barrier and doors, preparing house points and certificates for assembly, checking in late children and recording absences. 

Next, we stood at the school gate and said, 'Good morning.' to all the parents and Beechwood pupils. 


Checking on Learning

After the registers, we visited every class in the school to see what the children were learning. 

We focused on checking children's behaviour, the learning environment and the resources. All the children were very well behaved. We were super impressed with the behaviour of Bluebell children and reception.

Our favourite class to visit was Fir class where we held chicks that Mrs Begum is adopting.  


We led the assemblies for all the year groups and took the jobs away from the house captains. 

Unfortunately, the fire alarm went off in the Year 1, 2 and Reception assembly. All the children behaved really well. 

Just for today, we made up a new rule and explained this to the children in assembly. The new rule was that the children had to bow when they saw us. As a reward, we would decide if the classes deserved 5 minutes extra goldentime. 


Leadership meeting

After assembly, we had a meeting with Mr Sherwin-Peddie, Mrs Stanton and Mrs Breen-Smith. To help fuel us for the day, we had tea, hot chocolate, mango juice, cupcakes and biscuits. 




We enjoyed blowing the whistles and telling the children what to do. 

In Reception and KS1, we helped to serve the desserts and offered salad. 

In KS2, we were on ketchup duty and answered a lot of questions. 

Art Book Session

To see how the learning in art is doing across the school, we collected art books from all year groups. 

The children put in lots of effort in their art lessons and used lots of different media. We were amazed!


Website Update

With Mrs Breen-Smith and Mrs Stanton, we reviewed the day and updated the school website. 

End of Day Reading

At the end of the day, we each went to a Year 1 classroom and led the end of day reading.

Message from the Mini Leaders

Our day was very tiring. We really enjoyed being a leader of the school and discovered how hard it is to be a teacher. The senior leaders do a lot of steps everyday. 

The children were super and we think that Beechwood Primary School is amazing. 

Message from the Senior Leadership team

The headteacher for a day winners were very good and led the school well. We are nervous about the competition we now have for our jobs! 

The school community was very impressed with how hard the mini leadership team worked and the wonderful praise that the mini leaders have given.


Video welcome to our Winter 

Video welcome to our Winter 

Stop Motion Workshop

Some of our children took part in a stop motion animation workshop after school. The children worked in groups of 4 to create their own short stop motion animation. They had just 2 hours to create all the backgrounds, tools, characters and resources that they needed and create their film. Below are the amazing animations from each group. Children from Year 1 to Year 6 took part. Mrs Breen-Smith and Mr Tobias were very impressed with all the films and the hard work of all the children. 


Video welcome to our Winter 

World Book Day

Children across the school had a wonderful time during World Book Day in March and explored many of their favourite books. 

Year 4 Performance- Alice in Wonderland

Children in Year 4 put on a wonderful performance of Alice in Wonderland this half term. Children practised their lines and developed their drama skills. Parents and children enjoyed the show. Well done Year 4. Thank you to all the school staff who helped the children to put on such an amazing performance. 

Alice in Wonderland

Video welcome to our Winter 

The Family Worker Team work closely with Luton Foodbank to support vulnerable families. Foodbank have collaborated with Discover Islam and Islamic Relief, and offered Ramadan packs.

These packs aimed to support families during the holy month of Ramadan, especially during these challenging times.

We made sure our vulnerable families from all backgrounds were supported.


The food pack included rice, oil, (atta) flour, gram flour, plain flour, self-raising flour, porridge, eggs, chickpeas tin, lentils, tin tomatoes and tuna.


Our team collected the packs from Discover Islam and distributed them to families in need.


Feedback from one of our parents,

“Thank you so much, this is wonderful support and I really appreciate it.”


 The theme for Black History Month this year was 'Saluting our Sisters'. Year 2 created posters to share information about Black and Mixed Heritage British women who have shaped history and shared their achievements and accomplishments.

Year 2 black history month

Video welcome to our Winter 

Take One Picture Art Gallery

All children across the school took part in the Take One Picture project at school. The picture that was the focus this year was 'Surprise' by Henri Rousseau. All year groups took ideas from the original picture and created their own original piece of art. All the art from across the school was displayed in our art gallery. The work looked AMAZING! Well done everyone. 

Summer Fair

Thank you to all our families who helped to make our summer fair so successful. 

House Day

For the last day of the half term, children were invited to come to school dressed in their house colours. We were raising money for Chums Shine Bright appeal. 

Children all sat in their own houses for lunch and completed activities in the afternoon. 
Our house captains from Year 6 led activities and led an assembly for the pupils in their house. It was a great day enjoyed by all. 

Young Voices OVO Arena February 2023

2022- 2023

Congratulations to our Year 5 and 6 football team who played Whitefield primary school on Thursday 10th November. The boys and girls in our team played extremely well and should feel very proud of their 2-1 victory. Well done!


On the last day of the Spring term, Beechwood Primary celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The children from Reception to Year 6 all gathered on the field. We had beautiful weather and enjoyed watching a performance from each year group. After the performances, the children had a small tea party on the field with juice, cakes, crisps and biscuits. 

Everyone in the school contributed to our Jubilee art gallery and the children loved seeing art from the different year groups. 

To inspire and engage future generations, the children all contributed to our Beechwood time capsule which will be burried on the school grounds for future Beechwood children to discover. 

Year 5 Book Club On Inspire FM Radio

Member of our Year 5 lunchtime book club visited Inspire fm. They were interviewed on the radio and spoke about the books they had read and why they liked them. 

You can listen to the show online. Go to:


Choose episode 27 - Lunchtime book club

School Calendar




Luton families information service

At Beechwood, we are committed to supporting our families. Please follow the link below to find out more from Luton families information service. 


Passport to Employment

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